Oct 6, 2008

Is that a sofa in the woods?

Why yes it is!
When this little gem caught my eye, I knew I had to have it!!

My first "victims" were the Zulke family. You should have seen the look on their faces when they showed up & noticed this in the middle of the woods!LOL!
They thought I was crazy.... hey, I am! : P

Here is a quick peek.

The Grandchildren

Grandma, Grandpa & all the kiddies


Anonymous said...

I love them! You are so creative and the pictures are beautiful. Thanks for posting them. Oh I forgot to tell you...when I was taking pictures while you were dragging the sofas into the "woods", the little girl tapped the little boy and said "Hey, look at that lady dragging that chair over there" I burst out laughing and told them you were harmless!

Rebecca McKay said...

those are awesome!! I guess we better set a date now...I owe you your cd!
Love the grandparents one especially!

Hope Walls said...

Nice. Some poor homeless guy is wondering why Goldilocks sat on his couch...