Oct 16, 2008

6 Random Facts

I was tagged by Christine

Here are the rules: Link to the person who tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Write six random things about yourself. Tag six people at the end of your post. Let each person know he or she has been tagged. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

**Random Facts About Me**

~I am a huge procrastinator & it drives my mother crazy.

~I actually love chewing my nails. If I didn't get gel nails put on every month I would ignore the pain and chew every nail off my hands!

~I used to have 2 piercings back in the day...one was in my nose.

~My sister & I talk to each other on the phone for about 4+ hours a day...we both have the hands free head set thing. It drives the rest of our family nuts!! Oh...and with 4 kiddies between us, getting together for drinks is hard so we just do it over the phone and it feels like we are together....ahhhh!lol

~Each of my children have a silly song that I made up & sing to them.

~Someday I want to go underwater in a shark cage with Great Whites...my husband and son has the same dream.

I don't know anyone else with a blog so I will tag my old high school friend but new photography buddy Cora. I am trying to convince her to get a blog.


Hope Walls said...

Everyone should have a blog! Peer pressure! Get a blog, Cora! Do it! DO IT!!!!!

Cora said...

I caved! Thanks Amy!

Hope Walls said...

(and where was the other piercing?)

Amy said...

LOL....more north than south!!